Frequently Asked Questions

Will Webflow records be live after a sync?

Yes. Webflow records will be Published by default when synced from Airtable.

How do I create a slug field in Airtable?

In Airtable you can use a Single Line Text Field if you’d like to enter slugs yourself or a Formula field to have slugs generated automatically.

LOWER(REGEX_REPLACE(REGEX_REPLACE(TRIM({Name}), "[^a-zA-Z0-9- ]", ""), " ", "-") & "-" & RIGHT(RECORD_ID(), 5))

What happens if I 1-way sync from Airtable to Webflow, but update data in Webflow?

While ConnectMate offers full 2-way sync, you can also use ConnectMate for 1-way sync. For example, you might want to 1-way sync data from Airtable to Webflow.

In this scenario, if you update data in Webflow, it will not automatically get replaced by what's in Airtable. With a 1-way sync from Airtable to Webflow, ConnectMat only monitors for changes in the source (Airtable) and not in the destination (Webflow).

Any time an update happens in Airtable, it will sync to Webflow and overwrite the corresponding record.

What data does ConnectMate store?

While there are slight differences for each connector, as a general rule, ConnectMate stores your:

  • Records

  • Database/site ID

  • Table/column names and IDs

  • API keys

Our database uses encryption for data storage. We encrypt API keys and private URLs at rest with AES-256, thus double encryption for those.

As an example, for Airtable, ConnectMate stores your records, your Airtable base ID, table name, column names, your Airtable API key, and a URL to a private view of your base.

Last updated